There is something pure about watching life start anew! Creation is God's greatest achievement. How a plant starts with something as inane as a seed. It has such a tough outer shell and no appendages. But then it germinates, there is a tender shoot where there was nothing just a while ago. Where did it come from? It couldn't fit in there!! Could it??
The shoot grows longer and stronger. A plant emerges from where there was none. And it in turn starts to flower. Some flowers bloom only for a while. And then they are gone. Forever. It kind of makes you think. What was the point? If it had to go so soon then why did it bloom at all? Because life had a purpose for it. Nature has a purpose for it. It helps spread the seed for the next generation. For life to carry on. It also reminds us that nothing is permanent. That nothing lasts forever. That all things, no matter how beautiful, all meet the same end some day.
But all things serve a higher purpose. In the case of the flower, we know what that purpose is. But many times, in the case of people, we may never know what that purpose is. But ours is not to question. We all serve a higher purpose. A purpose which fits into the grand scheme of things. A scheme we cannot see. So we should all try to live life to the fullest, but live it in such a way, that we may discover a piece of that scheme that we are meant for. A piece where we fit in. That my friends is what heaven is all about!
The picture above is of a flower that bloomed on one on my plants. A few hours was bud. A few hours was gone. But it got me thinking. And this is the product.
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