Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hue Explosion

Blotted ink captivating the page
glistening with deepened sage
fascinating shades of colored glory
hues of violet distinguish the story

Splattered emotion dabbled in paint
featured bleakness chipped; faint
promised tales a splotchy mess
tinctured cerulean must confess

Semblance of pigment quickly stripped
fables of love withheld from the script
circles of complexion cascade the drain
remarkable magic falters, brushed strain.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Clock Stopped

One wish, if I had it, I would give it to you
Two sides of a life, one was false, now is true
Three years together, all belonging to me
Four eyes point together, two remain free
Five years since I glimpsed my future arrive
Six senses erect toward that which I strive
Seven deaths to enrich the idea of heaven
Eight breaks to decide hope will not leaven
Nine countries to discover for one that I pine
Ten fingers entangled and all of them mine
Eleven ticks of a hand to remind me of seven
Twelve and a clock stops...
Here I find you, in heaven.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Shooting stars embroider dreams
Cloud collage not what it seems
Ocean waves wash printed sand
Lifeline breaks on wrinkled hand

Snake river carves diverging path
Staid rocks transform in windy wrath
Fallen leaves feed promised Spring
Fresh bouquet a new love brings

Nestled warmth 'neath sunset's nod
Forging steps where none have trod
Eyes transformed in mirrored light
Open wide, force-feed the night

Buds on thorns, all caution shed
Storms of visions cast in red
Future bursts with brilliant hues
Wealth of treasure then ensues

Oasis beckons parchment tongue
Awakened senses drowning young
Fortress built to time withstand
Lifeline breaks on wrinkled hand

Sunday, August 15, 2010


My nemesis calls upon me
once again, as is her custom,
my mind taken hostage
and emotions turned loose.

Though this foe is unwelcome,
I invite her presence nonetheless,
convinced I can befriend her;
she slyly laughs at my naivete.

Her ploy unravels slowly at first,
luring me into one more tryst.
disarmed by the promise of joy
I succumb to her wicked desires.

I have become my own prisoner
yet I hold the key to my freedom,
but still I give her the power
to use me, control me, slowly kill me

Monday, July 19, 2010


A melancholy silhouette
stands in solitude
'neath an overcast sky
shivering as cruel winter gales
thrash through her barren limbs
and yet..
they remain outstretched
patiently waiting
a myriad of buds
once more to grace her boughs
and devour her loneliness
in the rebirth
of spring....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Slowly the world becomes dark.
The wind whips her hair around her,
Moulding it to her face like a second skin.
She tilts her head upwards, catching the first
Raindrops as they fall to the parched land.
Closing her eyes, slowly inhaling the smell
Of wet earth.
Savouring the moisture on her skin.
As if the tingle each drop brings,
Is like the electricity mirrored in the skies above.
The heavens thunder, like nature angrily grumbling.
It starts to pour, raining so hard that the drops
Bounce back off the ground making it seem like
It's raining from above and below!
Smiling, she looks around gleefuly.
Drenched to the core, but strangely, at peace.
With the world.........with herself!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Was lost
you came and found me there

No hope
you showed me love and care

Was down
you reached your hand to me

I lied
your truth would set me free

I ran
you wouldn't let me hide

I cried
you dried the tears inside

I dreamed
beside me you dreamed too

I love
and it's because of you...